- Mar 15, 1985
Moosehead Masters Championships
“The Masters races are really a refreshing way to get back into the sport,” said Bob Rose, 27, winner of the Moosehead Masters National...
- Dec 29, 1984
Ageless Racer Arthur Doucette
When he was a mere 68, J. Arthur Doucette of Jackson had the lowest handicap of any skier in the country in the 50 and over age division...
- Nov 2, 1984
International Mountain Equipment
As I.M.E. approaches its 50th year, it's nice to see that this iconic store is staying close to its roots.
- Aug 31, 1984
Nature's Environmental Engineers
The meticulous beaver has been both revered, hunted, adored, and despised -- learn why.
- Aug 24, 1984
An International Rescue in Peru
Something wrong in the neighborhood? Who're you going to call? Well, hopefully, you won't have to call the ghostbusters. Here in the...
- Jul 20, 1984
Senator Mitchell Speaks Out
While on a campaign swing through Fryeburg last Tuesday to endorse Gary Wilfong, Democratic candidate for Maine state representative,...
- Jul 13, 1984
DiBello eats his Wheaties
It's hardly big news that Paul DiBello eats Wheaties, but the reason why he is doing it is news. A gold medal winner in the Handicapped...
- Jun 29, 1984
The Hoyts of Purity Spring
Purity Spring Resort and King Pine have an inspiring history and they are still run by the Hoyt family after more than a century.
- Jun 15, 1984
Climbing Alaska's Mt. McKinley
Another Rick Wilcox adventure--this time battling Mother Nature attempting Alaska's Mt. McKinley.
- Apr 6, 1984
The Big Chill of 1934
Description of what those manning the Mt. Washington Observatory experienced during the record wind of 1934.