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  • by Karen Cummings

Harvest Hills' Jean Edwards

Since 1946, Jean Edwards (in photo with feline friend) of the Harvest Hills Animal Shelter has been devoting all of her efforts to saving and giving better lives to injured, abandoned, or unwanted animals. For many years, the numbers of unwanted, uncared for animals have filled her home and outdoor animal housing facilities on Route 302 outside of Fryeburg to overflowing.

With Jean now in her 70s, she has joined with members of the community to seek a way to have her work continued. A newly formed non-profit organization has been working to raise money with the primary focus being the construction of a new building capable of providing the continuing care these animals need. Larger facilities will be provided for medical care and the opeeration of clinics with area veterinarians.

Jean is donating her home and her property to this concern for exclusive use as a shelter. According to George Seeman in Glen, approximately one-third of the funds needed to complete the planned project have been collected. Before the onset of winter, the foundation was dug and four-foot-high footing walls were poured with particions for animal pens and office space designated.

All of the work completed thus far has been paid for and the Shelter Committee is working hard to raise additional funds so the project can be continued and completed in the spring. Donations of any size are appreciated and can be sent to the Harvest Hills Animal Shelter.


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